Tuesday 24 June 2014

Tips For Girls On Increasing Your Facebook Privacy :-) Must Read :)

Girls required more privacy and security on a social networking site facebook.
So, here are the tips.

1.) See what your Facebook
timeline looks like to a specific
friend or the public.

Facebook has a feature that lets you
view what your profile looks like to
a specific friend or to the public.
To access this feature, go to your
Facebook profile and click on the
drop-down gear icon at the top-
right of the website. After clicking
on “View As…”, you will see what
your profile looks like to the public.
When you click on “View as Specific
Person,” you can type in the name
of one of your friends to find out
what your profile looks like to him
or her.

2.) Group friends into lists to
customize who can see your

All of your Facebook friends can be
separated into different lists. This
allows you to customize who you
can share your content with. For
example, I put all of my family
members into a list called “Family.”
When I want to share status
messages, photos, links, and albums
that are related to an upcoming
family reunion, I can ensure that
only my family members see this
You can add your Facebook friends
into different groups by going to
your profile and clicking on
“Friends.” Next to the profile
photo of your friends, you will
notice a box with the word
“Friends” and a checkmark next to
it. After you click on that box, you
can add your friends into different
lists. If you want to create a new
list, then you can click on “Add to
another list…” and then “+ New
Once your lists are created, you can
adjust who you want to share your
content with from the posting
option under “Update status” that
is at the top of your profile and
News Feed. If you want to learn
how to share content with all of
your friends except for a certain
group, refer to tip #6.

3.) How to opt out of social ads.

Facebook can use your “Likes” as a
way to advertise for brands. If I
“like” the Applebee’s Facebook
Page, then Facebook would be able
to show my profile photo and a
tagline that says something along
the lines of “Your friend Amit likes
Applebee’s, check out the
Applebee’s Facebook Page to learn
about our newest lunch combo.” To
block Facebook from doing this, go
to the “Ads” section of your
“Account Settings.” Go to the
section that says “Ads and Friends,”
hit edit and then select “No One”
where it says “Pair my social
actions with ads for.”
Currently Facebook does not give
third party applications or ad
networks the right to use your
name or picture in ads, but they
might do that in the future. You
can opt out from this now though.
In the “Ads” settings within your
“Account Settings” change your
preferences to “No one” where it
says “If we allow this in the future,
show my information to” under
“Third Party Sites.”

4.) Set up who can see your
future posts.

There is a way to set up a default
group of people that can see all of
your future posts. Go to your
“Privacy” settings under “Account
Settings” and select “Who can see
my future posts?” If you want to
make everything you do on
Facebook public from now on,
select “Public” under the settings.
By selecting “Friends”, only your
friends will be able to see your
future posts. You can also change
it to specific groups and lists as we
talked about in Tip #2. In Tip #6,
you will learn how to let all of your
friends except for a limited group
of people from seeing all of your
future posts.

5.) Review posts that friends tag
you in before they appear on
your timeline.

Did you know that you have the
ability to review statuses, photos,
links and other content that your
friends tag you in before they
appear on your timeline? This
feature is great to have if you have
a friend that notoriously tags you in
embarrassing photos, videos,
statuses or links. You can add this
preference by going to
the “Timeline and Tagging” within
“Account Settings.” You will notice
a section there called “Who can add
things to my timeline?” Enable the
feature that says “Review posts
friends tag you in before they
appear on your timeline.”

6.) Create a default list of friends
that you want to prevent from
seeing your whole profile.

In tip #2, I encouraged you to
create a list of different groups of
friends, including one called
“Family.” I also strongly
recommend that you create a group
to limit certain people from seeing
all of your personal Facebook
content. After all, you do not want
photos of yourself at a bachelor
party or News Year’s party
surfacing on your boss’ Facebook
News Feed. I recommend adding
certain friends to a group called
“Limited Profile,” “Restricted,”
“Limited,” or any other similar
name. You may have also noticed
that Facebook created a restricted
suggested list name automatically
called “Restricted.”
This is the group that you want to
hide all of your future posts from.
You can add people to the
restricted group by clicking on
“Friends” from your Profile and
then adding those individuals with
checkmarks to the restricted list.
After you are done creating the
restricted list, then I encourage you
to refer back to Tip #4 and
customizing your future posts to
be seen by all of your friends
except for your restricted list. You
can easily change around the
privacy of everything that you are
tagged in after it is posted to your
profile just in case you want have
that specific content become visible
for your friends or the public.

7.) Restrict people from seeing
posts that you’ve been tagged in
on your timeline.

By default, all of your friends can
see everything on your timeline.
You can restrict certain people
from seeing the content on your
timeline by going to the “Timeline
and Tagging” settings under your
“Account Settings.” Click on “Edit”
where it says “Who can see posts
you’ve been tagged in on your
timeline.” You can select options
like “Only Me,” “Friends,” “Friends
of friends,” your lists of friends and
“Custom.” Custom allows you to
specify only certain individuals,
lists, or all of your friends except
for a certain list.

8.) Allow only specific
individuals (or lists) to see a
status, photo, or album that you
are posting.

Let’s say that I want to tell my
Facebook friend Tyler Winklevoss
that I read an interesting article
about Bitcoin on FORBES, but I only
want him to see it on my News
Feed. When sending the article
through my status, I would need to
change my privacy for this specific
post by selecting “Custom” and
changing the “Share this with”
setting from “Friends” to “Specific
People or Lists…” When prompted
with who the specific people are
that I want to share this post with,
I would type in just “Tyler
This is what my post would look
like after I change my privacy
setting, write my status, and add
the FORBES link:
After hitting “Post,” only Tyler
Winklevoss and I would be able to
see this post rather than all of his
friends and all of my friends. This
feature can also be used for
Facebook statuses that do not
necessarily have a link, photo, or
video attached to them. I tend to
use this feature with specific people
that I have an inside joke with.

9.) Block people from being able
to post to your Timeline.

You can block people from adding
content to your timeline by
selecting “Timeline and Tagging”
under “Account Settings.” At the
very top, you will notice a section
called “Who can add things to my
timeline?” You can customize this
feature by selecting “Friends” or
“Only Me.” Selecting “Only Me”
means that nobody else can post on
your timeline. I have seen some of
my Facebook friends set their
timeline to “Only Me” when their
birthday is coming up so that their
Facebook wall does not get flooded
with posts.

10.) Block people from seeing
your friends list, your followers
and people/lists you follow.

On Facebook, there is a way to
block people from seeing who your
friends are. You can edit this
information by going to your profile
and clicking on “Friends.” From
there, click on the pencil icon and
then Edit Privacy:
When your privacy settings open,
you can edit who can see your
friend list. This feature also lets you
set who can see the people/lists
that you follow and who can see
your followers on your timeline:

11.) Edit privacy for specific
photo albums.

Did you know that you can edit the
privacy for every specific photo
album that you have uploaded? Go
to your profile and select “Photos.”
From there, click on “Albums.” At
the bottom-right of each photo
album, you will see an icon that
controls who exactly can see that
specific album.

12.) Prevent Facebook from
detecting your face when your
friends upload photos.

When a friend of yours uploads a
photo, Facebook may suggest
tagging you if their algorithm
detects that your face is in the
photo. If you want your profile to
be excluded from Facebook’s facial
recognition feature, you can adjust
these settings by going to the
“Timeline and Tagging” section
under “Account Settings.” Click on
Edit next to where it says “Who
sees tag suggestions when photos
that look like you are uploaded?”
Select “No One” in that preference.

13.) How to disable website
instant personalization.

There are certain websites that use
information from your Facebook
account to deliver a personalized
experience. These websites pulls
information that you and your
Facebook friends have made
public. For example, Yelp.com will
show you local reviews that your
Facebook friends have made and
RottenTomatoes.com shows you
movie reviews that your friends
have made:
You can disable this feature by
going to your “Account Settings”
and then clicking on “Apps.” Scroll
down to where it says “Instant
personalization” and remove the
checkmark where it says “Enable
instant personalization on partner

14.) How to remotely sign out of
your account.

If you have used Facebook at the
library or a friend’s computer and
forgot to log out, then you may be
relieved that there is a way to sign
out of your account remotely. You
can do this by going to your
“Account Settings” and then
“Security.” At the bottom of the
page, you will notice a section
called “Active Sessions.” When you
hit “End All Activity,” Facebook will
log out your account from every
computer and mobile device that
you have an active session in. You
can also log out of each specific
computer or mobile device instead
of ending all of your sessions.

15.) Require a security code to
access your account.

If you want to add an extra layer of
security for accessing your
Facebook account, then you can
require a security code to get into
your profile from computers or
devices that you have not used
before. The security code is sent to
your mobile device. This feature
can be found under “Account
Settings” and “Security.” Click on
Edit where it says “Login
Approvals” to get started. Facebook
will also send you a confirmation
code at the mobile number that is
associated with your account. Note
that this feature does not work
with landlines or Google Voice.

16.) Receive notifications when
your account is accessed from a
device you haven’t used before

Facebook has a way of notifying you
when your account is accessed from
a computer or device that you have
not used before. You can receive
the notifications by e-mail or text
messages/push notification. This
feature can be accessed under
“Account Settings” and “Security.”
This preference can be found under
“Login Notifications.”

17.) Block people from seeing you
on Facebook entirely

If someone is bullying or harassing
you online, then you should block
them. After blocking someone, that
person can no longer see things
that you post on your timeline, tag
you, invite you to events/groups,
start a conversation with you, or
add you as a friend. You can access
this feature by going to your
“Account Settings” and selecting
“Blocking.” This feature is under
“Block users.”

18.) Block your profile from
search engines.

If you do not want people to find
your Facebook profile by searching
for your name on a search engine,
then you can control that
preference through your privacy
You can do this by going to
“Account Settings” and then
selecting “Privacy.” Go to the
section that says “Do you want
other search engines to link to your
timeline?” under “Who can look me
up?” Remove the checkmark where
it says “Let other search engines
link to your timeline.”

19.) Stop a Facebook friend from
chatting with you through Facebook Chat

You may have a friend on Facebook
Chat that constantly messages and
distracts you. There is a way to
stop them from messaging you on
Facebook Chat without removing
them as your Facebook friend. You
can set this up by clicking the gear
icon on the Facebook Chat box from
your computer and clicking
“Advanced Settings.” Enter that
friend’s name where it asks you to
input “Turn on chat for all friends
except…” You can also turn on chat
for only some specific friends or
lists with this feature. And of
course you can turn off chataltogether.

20.) Have you been hacked?

Here’s how you get your account
If you have been hacked, Facebook
has a way of blocking hackers from
getting back into your account. You
can get your account back by
visiting https://www.facebook.com/help/hacked and following the
instructions. Facebook will ask you
to create a new password after you
enter your old password. Facebook
will also ask you if one of the e-
mail addresses connected with your
account is compromised. You can
disconnect that e-mail from being
associated with your Facebook
account going forward. You may
also want to review your purchase
history if you have Facebook Gift
Cards or other credits.

5 Tips to Protect Our Photos on Facebook

1. Save the Photos That are Most Personal to You

This is a very simple but effective suggestion. Do not upload photos to your profile
that you do not want to be seen by your boss, co-workers or friends from the gym.

2. Configure the Privacy Setting on Your Facebook Albums

Editing the privacy settings for your Facebook photos can help us minimize our exposure on the internet but we must not forget that, although our albums are configured so that a small group of friends can see them, anyone copy the URL of your image and share it with anyone.

3. Use Other Websites to Show Your Professional Photographs

If you’re a professional photographer, do not use social media as a platform to show your photos. Instead, use other websites like Flickr.

4. Do No Upload Photos in High Resolution

The images in high resolution are much more likely to be used for commercial purposes.

5. Report if Someone Misuses One of Your Images

Facebook allows you to file a report if you find that someone is making improper use of your images .

Thursday 19 June 2014

Download torrent file with IDM

As we all know most popular download manager software Internet Download Manager that all user use to download stuff from internet. Internet Download Manager boots your internet speed 5 times and make you to download your stuff faster.

On ther hand torrent is the most easy to share file [video, movie, software, applications and lots more stuff] on internet. You can get all the things you want on torrents. Almost 99.9% of the stuff that you want is on torrent.

Most popular torrent site are


These are the most popular torrent sites.

To downlaod anything from torrents takes much times compare to IDM..
So here I will tell you how you can download your favourite stuff, which is in torrents file from Internet Download Manager.
These all you can do by a site name www.zbigz.comto download torrent

Just you have to follow these simple steps.

Go and Signup here. Its free to sign up.
Search your torrent file and download it. As it is just of some Kb.
Now go to www.zbigz.com , as you have signed up. There At the top you find a bar and a option to upload your torrent file.

Upload you torrent file and and wait for some minutes.
After Some minutes server will send you the link to to download that file/stuff.
Click on that link and that link will work with your IDM.

Now download your torrent file from IDM with 5 times faster.

Saturday 14 June 2014


  • Connect a mobile phone to the machine with a USB cable and install Ploutus Malware.
  • The attacker sends two SMS messages to the mobile phone inside the ATM.
    • SMS 1 contains a valid activation ID to activate the malware
    • SMS 2 contains a valid dispense command to get the money out
  • Mobile attached inside the ATM detects valid incoming SMS messages and forwards them to the ATM as a TCP or UDP packet.
  • Network packet monitor (NPM) module coded in the malware receives the TCP/UDP packet and if it contains a valid command, it will execute Ploutus
  • Amount for Cash withdrawal is pre-configured inside the malware
  • Finally, the hacker can collect cash from the hacked ATM machine.
Researchers have detected few more advanced variants of this malware, some attempts to steal customer card and PIN data, while others attempt man-in-the-middle attacks.

This malware is now spreading to other countries, so you are recommended to pay extra attention and remain cautious while using an ATM.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Different Types of Hackers

Hackers can be divided into three groups: white hats, black hats, and grey hats. Ethical hackers usually fall into the white-hat category, but sometimes they’re former grey hats who have become security professionals and who use their skills in an ethical manner.
White hats 
White Hats are the good guys, the ethical hackers who use their hacking skills for defensive purposes. White-hat hackers are usually security professionals with knowledge of hacking and the hacker toolset and who use this knowledge to locate weaknesses and imple- ment countermeasures.

Black hats
Black hats are the bad guys: the malicious hackers or crackers who use their skills for illegal or malicious purposes. They break into or otherwise violate the system integrity of remote machines, with malicious intent. Having gained unauthorized access, black-hat hackers destroy vital data, deny legitimate users service, and basically cause problems for their targets. Black-hat hackers and crackers can easily be differentiated from white-hat hackers because their actions are malicious.
Grey hats 
Grey hats are hackers who may work offensively or defensively, depending on the sit- uation. This is the dividing line between hacker and cracker. Both are powerful forces on the Inter- net, and both will remain permanently. And some individuals qualify for both categories. The existence of such individuals further clouds the division between these two groups of people.
In addition to these groups, there are self-proclaimed ethical hackers, who are interested in hacker tools mostly from a curiosity standpoint. They may want to highlight security prob- lems in a system or educate victims so they secure their systems properly. These hackers are doing their “victims” a favor. For instance, if a weakness is discovered in a service offered by an investment bank, the hacker is doing the bank a favor by giving the bank a chance to rectify the vulnerability.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Shutdown Windows 7 Remotely

I believe when read the title Shutdown Windows 7 remotely, many people will remember the infamous Windows 2000 shutdown feature. I remember back on my bachelor when time for computer lab class we will begin the shutdown war inside the lab by typing - 
shutdown <ip_address> /y /c "Hey quick type shutdown /a to prevent this shutdown…LoL"

Other student can shutdown and force your computer remotely, no matter what you're doing, and for me I always need to put my shutdown /a batch script on my desktop to prevent this attack 

I have 2 operating system for this tips and tricks, the first one is My Windows 7, and the other computer name is VishnuValentino on virtual Box. We will learn how to shutdown the one on virtual Box.


1. Command prompt

2. Remote computer credentials (don't ask for shortcut to get credentials, you can learn other tutorials from this blog how to get credentials as well)

Step by step how to Shutdown Windows 7 Remotely:

1. Open up our command prompt (RUN and type cmd) and type shutdown /? to view the help file and knowing available switch.

C:\>shutdown /?
Usage: shutdown [/i | /l | /s | /r | /g | /a | /p | /h | /e] [/f]
[/m \\computer][/t xxx][/d [p|u:]xx:yy [/c "comment"]]

No args Display help. This is the same as typing /?.
/? Display help. This is the same as not typing any options.
/i Display the graphical user interface (GUI).
This must be the first option.
/l Log off. This cannot be used with /m or /d options.
/s Shutdown the computer.
/r Shutdown and restart the computer.
/g Shutdown and restart the computer. After the system is
rebooted, restart any registered applications.
/a Abort a system shutdown.
This can only be used during the time-out period.
/p Turn off the local computer with no time-out or warning.
Can be used with /d and /f options.
/h Hibernate the local computer.
Can be used with the /f option.
/e Document the reason for an unexpected shutdown of a computer.
/m \\computer Specify the target computer.
/t xxx Set the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds.
The valid range is 0-315360000 (10 years), with a default of 30.
If the timeout period is greater than 0, the /f parameter is
/c "comment" Comment on the reason for the restart or shutdown.
Maximum of 512 characters allowed.
/f Force running applications to close without forewarning users.
The /f parameter is implied when a value greater than 0 is
specified for the /t parameter.
/d [p|u:]xx:yy Provide the reason for the restart or shutdown.
p indicates that the restart or shutdown is planned.
u indicates that the reason is user defined.
If neither p nor u is specified the restart or shutdown is
xx is the major reason number (positive integer less than 256).
yy is the minor reason number (positive integer less than 65536).

2. To shutdown the Windows 7 remote computer what I need to do is running this command

shutdown /s /f /m \\VishnuValentino
3. The error message Access is denied.(5) is there because we haven't authenticate our computer to use the resources on the remote computer. To solve the error and authenticate our computer we need to put the remote computer credentials.

NET USE \\<computer_name> <password> /USER:<user_name>
In the USER I put the double quote because the remote computer user name have a space character.

4. Now we already authenticate ourselves to the remote computer and can do the shutdown remotely. We can repeat the command on step number 2 or add other command switch. Now when we execute again the shutdown command, here is the result on remote computer.

Here is the video how to do shutdown windows 7 remotely.:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPstQ5yjliw


1. To prevent the shutdown just run this command

shutdown /a

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What is the difference between 2G, 3G, 4G, mobile networks?

G in 2G, 3G and 4G stands for the “Generation” of the mobile network. Today, mobile operators have started offering 4G services in the country. A higher number before the ‘G’ means more power to send out and receive more information and therefore the ability to achieve a higher efficiency through the wireless network.

Understanding the mobile networks:

As the name would suggest, 1G was the first generation of mobile networks. Here basically, radio signals were transmitted in ‘Analogue’ form and expectedly, one was not able to do much other than sending text messaging and making calls. But the biggest disadvantage, however came in the form of limited network availability, as in the network was available only within the country.

2G networks on the other hand, were based on narrow band digital networks. Signals were transmitted in the digital format and this dramatically improved the quality of calls and also reduced the complexity of data transmission. The other advantage of the 2G network came in the form of Semi Global Roaming System, which enabled the connectivity all over the world.

Between 2G and 3G there was a short phase in between where mobile phones became sleeker and more ‘pocketable’ if we can call it that. This is popularly referred to as 2.5G where the quantity of radio waves to be transmitted was much lower. This in turn had an effect on the shape and structure of mobile phones. But most of all, 2.5G helped in the ushering of GPRS (General Pocket Radio Service).

The 3rd generation of mobile networks has become popular largely thanks to the ability of users to access the Internet over devices like mobiles and tablets. The speed of data transmission on a 3G network ranges between 384KBPS to 2MBPS. This means a 3G network actually allows for more data transmission and therefore the network enables voice and video calling, file transmission, internet surfing, online TV, view high definition videos, play games and much more. 3G is the best option for users who need to always stay connected to Internet.

4th Generation mobile networks are believed to provide many value added features. In addition to all the 3G facilities, data transmission is believed to go through the roof with speeds ranging between 100MBPs to 1GBPS. Phew! Happy talking, surfing, conferencing, chatting, networking, partying, or whatever you want to do on your mobile phone.

Mac Spoofing Method

Changing MAC address or we also can call it MAC address spoofing will be useful in some cases, but we will talk about it later in conclusion at the end of this article.


1. Linux terminal

Step by step How to Change MAC Address on Kali Linux:

1. Open your terminal, and type

ifconfig | grep HWaddr

you will see your original MAC address, mine was 08:00:27:b2:4d:4b

2. To temporary change our MAC address, we need to turn off the network interface first by running this command

( ifconfig eth0 down )

3. After that we can configure the new MAC address

ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02

you can change the MAC address using this hexadecimal format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

4. Now we can turn on the network interface again.

ifconfig eth0 up

5. And the last we can check again our MAC whether it's change or not.

if we follow until this step, MAC address will back to default after we restart our machine. Go to next page to view how to change MAC address permanently.

6. Kali Linux was built based on Debian. In Debian all the network interface was located on /etc/network/interfaces.

7. We will configure the /etc/network/interfaces. In this tutorial I will use pico text editor, but you can choose any of your favourite text editor.

pico /etc/network/interfaces

8. Now we will add one line of script to change our MAC address permanently

pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02

This script will be called on system startup.

9. If we want to restore the default MAC address, just add the # sign in front of script in step 8.

#pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02


1. Changing MAC address usually needed for privacy and prevent tracking in the local network about our hardware information(e.g: in public wi-fi network).

2. Some network administrator they make blocking rule in proxy or router by adding the MAC address. To ensure interoperability and preventing being blocked by the proxy or router blacklist rule, we can change our MAC address.

Hope you found it useful